Dr Karen Meador made this chart to help with these conversions.
Conversion of Units
25.4 millimeters (mm) = 1 inch
1 millimeter is less than 1/16 inch
To Convert Inches to Millimeters: Multiply Inches x 25.4
To Convert to Millimeters to Inches: Multiply millimeters x .03937
Conversion Chart: Millimeters to Inches
Mm | Inches in Decimals | *Inches in Fractions |
1mm | 0.04 inches | Less than 1/16 inch |
2mm | 0.08 inches | Greater than 1/16 inch & less than 1/8 inch |
3mm | 0.12 inches | Greater than 1/16 inch & less than 1/8 inch |
4mm | 0.16 inches | Greater than 1/8 and less than 3/16 |
5mm | 0.2 inches | Greater than 3/16 and less than 1/4 |
6mm | 0.24 inches | Greater than 3/16 and less than 1/4 |
7mm | 0.28 inches | Greater than ¼ and less than 5/16 |
8mm | 0.32 inches | Greater than ¼ and less than 5/16 |
9mm | 0.35inches | Greater than 5/16 and less than 3/8 |
10mm | 0.40 inches | Greater than 3/8 and less than 7/16 |
12mm | 0.47 inches | Greater than 7/16 and less than 8/16 |
14mm | 0.55 inches | Greater than ½ and less than 9/16 |
16mm | 0.63 inches | Greater than 5/8 & less than 11/16 |
18mm | 0.71 inches | Greater than 11/16 and less than 3/4 |
*The third column of this conversion chart is offered to help anyone who thinks more clearly using fractions than using decimals.
Approximate Number of Round Beads on a 16” Strand
2mm | 3mm | 4mm | 6mm | 8mm | 10mm | 12mm |
203 | 136 | 100 | 67 | 50 | 41 | 34 |
Every inch is 25mm so times the number of inches by 25mm and you have how long the strand is in millimeters. Then divide by the width of the bead.
Note: Copied with the permission of:
Karen Meador
Dream Catcher Designs